Explore our default tags here. There are many custom user-generated ones too, but these should give you a good start exploring what Sample Focus has to offer.
Acoustic - Produced without electronics
Chord - Group of notes played together
Down Sweep/Fall - A transitional sound that descends in pitch and/or volume
Dry - Lack of reverberation or delay
Harmony - A chord progression
Loop - A repeating section of sound
Melody - A sequence of single notes
Mixed - More than 1 sound source or instrument
Monophonic - Only 1 musical note at a time
One Shot - A non-repeating stand alone sound
Polyphonic - More than 1 musical note at a time
Processed - Modified with effects
Progression - A progression of notes in a musical key or chord
Riser/Sweep - A transitional sound that rises in pitch and/or volume
Short - Short in duration
Wet - A reverberant sound, something with decay. Opposite of Dry.
Bassy - Emphasized bass
Boomy - Excessive bass
Breathy - Audible breath sounds in instruments such as sax
Bright - Emphasizes high frequencies
Buzzy - Low, vibrating, humming sound, as of bees, machinery
Coarse/Harsh - Grating, abrasive, or crude in texture.
Cold - Depressing or dispiriting. Lacking in warmth of feeling.
Dark - A tonal balance that tilts downwards. Opposite of bright.
Delicate - Very fine in texture or structure
Detuned - Out of tune
Dissonant - Harsh and inharmonious in sound
Exotic - Unusual and non-western in sound
Fat - Good bass, spacious sound. Strong fundamentals relative to harmonics
Full - Strong fundamentals relative to harmonics. Good low frequency response. Opposite of thin
Glitchy - Contains temporary sonic irregularity. Sounds like a malfunction.
Granular - Sounds like it consists of tiny sound granules
Gloomy - Dark and sad
Hard - Uncomfortable, forward, aggressive sound with a metallic tinge
High - A sound with primarily high frequencies
Low - A sound with primarily low frequencies
Muffled - Sounds like it is covered with a blanket. Weak highs
Muted - Quiet and soft
Narrow - Narrow stereo sound stage. Opposite of wide.
Noisy - Lacks a distinct tone or pitch
Sharp - Piercing. Has sharp peaks in its frequency response between 3 to 10 kHz.
Shimmering - Bright and shiny
Sizzling - Hissing as if frying or cooking
Smooth - Easy on the ears, not harsh.
Soft - Pleasant and not sharp
Piercing - Hard on the ears, screechy
Thin - Fundamentals are weak relative to harmonics, light bass
Tinny - Sounds like it is coming through a telephone or tin can
Warm - Good bass, not thin
Wide - Wide stereo sound stage
Arpeggiated - A chord played as a series of ascending or descending notes.
Long Release - Taking a noticeable time to diminish to silence
Legato - Smooth and flowing notes without any breaks between them
Glissando/Glide - A continuous slide upward or downward between notes
Pad - A sustained chord or tone generated by a synthesizer, usually for background harmony or atmosphere
Percussive - As if made by striking. Immediate volume followed by a very fast and short decay in volume.
Pitch Bend - Pitch is bent as sounds is played
Plucked - Sounding like a stringed instrument that is played with fingers
Pulsating - Volume that increases and decreases with strong regular movements.
Punchy - Having powerful and fast initial impact
Slow Attack - Slowly rising in volume as the sound plays
Staccato/Stabs - Short and detached musical notes or chords
Stuttered/Gated - Quick repetition of sound or rhythmic silence
Straight - Notes are played on time. Opposite of syncopated.
Syncopated - displaced beats or accents
Uptempo - notes are played at a high speed
Wobble - has a filter wobble
Vibrato - regular, pulsating change of pitch
Analog - Sampled from an analog electronic instrument
Compressed - Little change in volume throughout. Opposite of dynamic. Thick.
Digital - Sampled from an digital electronic instrument
Dynamic - Contrasts in volume both large and small
Loud - High volume throughout
Range - Noticeable distance between the lowest and highest notes
Female - Includes a female voice
Funky - Strong dance rhythm
Jazzy - Characterized by displaced beats or accents and a regular rhythm
Lo Fi - Low quality recording
Male - Includes a male voice
Quiet - Of low volume throughout
Vintage - Sounds from past generations of music
Vinyl - Sounds as if taken from a vinyl recording. Warm and gritty.
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